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Affiliations, Associations and Partnerships

ACN Logo

Apple Consultants Network (ACN)
Member since 1993 in all incarnations
as ACR, ASPN and ASE

Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist (ACHDS)

Apple Developer Connection (ADC)

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Apple Regional Champion for NY/CT/NJ,
one of six Apple Consultant Network members asked to help run and organize online forums and regional meeting programs in the USA.
2002 - 2012

ACN Discussions Forum Co-Moderator
2012 - on

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NYCDAUG Logo and Link President, New York City Digital Assistant Users' Group (NYCDAUG), 1997 to 2014 (group on hold)

Apple Newton Advisory Council.

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MetroMac Logo and link

Director of Vendor Relations & Co-Founder
Metropolitan New York Macintosh Alliance (MetroMac), 2001 to 2014
(group on hold)

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Apple Enterprise Customer Advisory Board,
one of eleven people advising Apple's Executive Committee, including Gil Amelio and Steve Jobs, to assist Apple in growing and supporting its enterprise market under the direction of Don Crabb. 1997-1998

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Pocket PC, Wireless & Beyond Conference, one of
thirty-six PalmOS specialists from across USA invited to attend and contribute input at Microsoft Offices in Redmond, WA. September 2000

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The New York MacUsers' Group, Inc. (NYMUG)

Director of Vendor Relations, 1992 to 2001
Board of Directors, 1991 to 1995      
Board President, 1992 to 1994
Closed in 2001





Retrospect Partner Logo

Retrospect Partner

was Roxio/EMC Dantz Associate Partner,
Authorized Roxio Retrospect Consultant
Solution Provider

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WebResults Inc. Hosting
We can help with this transition

(we host our site here too!)

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was GFI/Max Partner
Anti-SPAM Services

(we use this system!)

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GoDaddy Registrar Affiliate

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Wetkeys Logo & Link
Wetkeys Affiliate - Waterproof,
Rollup Keyboards & Mice

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DriveSavers Logo and Link
DriveSavers Authorized Reseller
We Get You: 10% Discount
on Services and Other Benefits

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WeRecoverData.com Data Recovery Labs
WeRecoverData.com Authorized Partner
In NYC for drive drop off
We Get You: 10% Discount and Benefits

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msurgeon logo
Micro-Surgeon Data Recovery Partner
Near NYC for possible drive drop off
We Get You: Special Services and Benefits

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i365 Logo
i365 - Data Recovery Services Partner
We Get You: Special Services and Benefits

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fastmail logo & link

FastMail & MyFastMail - Web Mail

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Dropbox + Free Bonus space!

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Disclosure: We have a number of partnerships with other business entities including those listed here.  These relationships are often beneficial to both our clients and to our consultancy.
Our clients gain with discounted rates, special services, better training or our ability to leverage the relationship. We may get discounted or free services and other benefits.
Regardless of any such benefits, we promise that it is against the grain of our being and our principles to ever recommend or suggest a client use one of our partnerships based solely on benefits we may derive.
We firmly believe that any recommendations made will be in the best interest of the client first and foremost.

FinePeter Consulting Inc. Contact Information

voice 212-598-5868 http://www.finepeter.com

This site made intelligently using a Macintosh

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